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Fishery vessels

All fishing vessels must be registered and inspected. 

If you do not register your vessel you will not be able to export your catch to the EU either directly or indirectly. 

In Cornwall, the inspecting and registering authority is Cornwall Port Health Authority.

Registration and inspection is via a self-assessment questionnaire for under 10m vessels. If you have more than one vessel, you need to complete a separate questionnaire for each.

Download the self-assessment questionnaire

Please return your completed questionnaire to Cornwall Port Health Authority by:


Post to: 

Cornwall Port Health Authority
PO BOX 676

Returns spreadsheets

The spreadsheets were last updated on 22/01/2021.

For further help, please contact Cornwall Port Health Authority.

Inspection of Fishery Vessels

Cornwall Port Health Authority and Cornwall Council have produced the following videos:

These discuss and illustrate the inspection of fishery vessels.

Areas covering throughout these include:

  • Harbours
  • Fishery vessel types
  • What to expect
  • The inspection process
  • Health and safety

Fish identification

Environmental Health practitioners complete a physical food inspection course as part of their qualifications.

Unless you regularly inspect fishmongers or fishery product establishments, these identification skills can be easily lost.

Our fish identification video will gives a reminder of the type of fish and shellfish you can expect to see whilst inspecting:

  • food premises
  • food at the border

We also cover some aspects of quality and food fraud.

You should feel more comfortable with identifying different species of fish and shellfish. Including the signs of unfitness and also how unscrupulous traders / importers disguise unfitness.

We made a very conscious effort for members of our local fish and shellfish industry to provide the content for the video .

Would you like further information on fishery inspections in Cornwall? If so, please contact Cornwall Port Health Authority.

Need help?

Most issues can be resolved online, it's the quickest and most convenient way to get help.