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Carbon Neutral Cornwall Governance


The principles underpinning the programme’s governance arrangements are:

  • Collaboration and co-design at the heart of everything we do.
  • Proportionate and effective assurance to drive progress and unblock barriers.
  • A learning and ‘can do’ environment.  Agile decision making informed by the urgency and scale of future risk.

Carbon Neutral Cornwall Board

The Board leads on delivering the Council’s plans for a carbon neutral Cornwall. Almost every service across the Council and Group of Companies has a role to play. The Board work together to manage the trade offs and linked issues in the carbon neutral agenda. Its members are:

Kate Kennally

Chief Executive (Chair)

Sophie Hosking

Strategic Director, Neighbourhoods

Tracie Langley

Chief Operating Officer

Phil Mason

Strategic Director, Sustainable Growth & Development

Meredith Teasdale

Strategic Director, Together for Families

Alison Bulman

Strategic Director, Care & Wellbeing

Dominic Bostock

Managing Director, Corserv

Vicky Fraser

Service Director, Connectivity & Environment

Mark Holmes

Head of Environmental Partnerships and Climate Change

Nick Hayden

Carbon Neutral Council Programme Manager


Outcome Board

Outcome Boards oversee delivery of the Council’s four outcome areas:

  • Vibrant, Safe, Supportive Communities
  • Brilliant Place to be a Child
  • Empowering and Enterprising
  • Thriving and Sustainable Cornwall

Each one has an outcome plan with carbon neutral goals and objectives. Strategic Directors chair the Outcome Boards. The membership includes relevant senior officers and portfolio holders.

Neighbourhoods Overview and Scrutiny Committee

This committee has responsibility for monitoring progress on the Climate Change Action Plan. They receive quarterly progress statements and an annual report.

Working in partnership

Working in partnership is essential to addressing climate change in Cornwall.

The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Leadership Board declared its own climate emergency. Through this board, strategic leaders of public bodies work together on the path to net zero. Supporting the Leadership Board is a sector partnership group. Members include representatives of each of the key emitting sectors.

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