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Cornwall Council reiterates its ambition to build a bypass around Camelford


CamelfordCouncillors, officers and North Cornwall MP Scott Mann have met with the Roads Minister, Guy Opperman MP, to discuss the scheme to build a bypass around Camelford. The Minister made clear that the Camelford Bypass has the support of the Prime Minister, which is why funds have been provisionally made available for it as part of the Network North announcement in October. This saw funds reallocated from HS2 to infrastructure projects throughout the UK.  

Several road projects have been cancelled or postponed by the Department for Transport due to inflationary pressures, but thanks to the work done by Cornwall Council alongside the local Member of Parliament, the Camelford scheme remains on the table.  

Cornwall Council portfolio holder for transport, Richard Williams-Pears, said: 

“I know how many people in Camelford want to see this project completed. The town has suffered for many years with queuing traffic and could be transformed by taking traffic from the town centre, a priority I happily support.”  

Cornwall Council leader, Linda Taylor, said:

“Thanks to campaigning by local Member of Parliament, Scott Mann, and work done by Cornwall Council, the Camelford scheme remains on the table, subject to final costings and Treasury support.  I want to assure residents that their Council and their MP are working together on this and that the Camelford Bypass proposals have the full backing of Cornwall Council.” 

Scott Mann MP said:

I am grateful for the additional work the Council has done on this scheme, and for their renewed commitment to delivering on this project. I have spoken with the Transport Secretary who has assured me he and his officials will do everything they can to support the Council in its work.” 

Any residents with views on the proposals are encouraged to contact their local Cornwall Councillor, Cllr Barry Jordan, or Scott Mann MP. 

Story posted 19 December 2023