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Climate change policy to be submitted to Government

Cornwall Council has backed plans to make sure new buildings contribute to ambitions to be net-carbon neutral by 2030. 

The Council has been working on the Climate Emergency Development Plan Document (DPD) for two years and now members of the full council have confirmed its progression to the Government. 

The Climate DPD will now go to the government

One of the key actions in Cornwall’s Climate Change Action Plan, it covers policies to support green energy, enhance the environment, provide more efficient housing, greener travel and resilience to issues such as coastal change and flooding.  

The Climate Emergency DPD will sit alongside the Cornwall Local Plan and other policies and will be used as part of making decisions on all development proposals.  

Cornwall Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and set out its aims to be net-carbon neutral by 2030. 

Olly Monk, the Council’s portfolio holder for planning and housing, said: “The Council recognises that its planning policies have a major impact on the quality of development that is built, which is critical to helping to protect and shape the Cornwall of the future. 

“Cornwall has a Local Plan outlining where development will happen and the Climate Emergency DPD has been developed to strengthen it and help address climate change.” 

Martyn Alvey, portfolio holder for environment and climate change, said: “The aim is to make sure that future development is sustainable and helps to address climate change in every aspect of its design and construction, contributing to the Council’s aim to be net carbon-neutral by 2030. 

“It will contribute to our green recovery and support the environmental, agricultural, clean energy and active travel sectors.” 

The submission to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government is the culmination of two years of work, which has included several consultations with the public and stakeholders. 

Now, the Government department will appoint an examiner and the document will undergo examination in public. 

The document can be viewed on the Climate Emergency DPD website. 

Once the full statutory process is concluded,the Climate Emergency DPD will become an adopted planning document, meaning that proposed future development will be assessed against stronger policies that protect the environment. 

Story posted on September 28, 2021

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