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Supporting Cornwall's Thriving VCSE Sector: Outset VCSE Launches to Empower Third Sector Businesses

Cornwall Council’s Good Growth Programme is thrilled to announce the launch of Outset VCSE, a comprehensive support program designed to empower and enhance the growth of social enterprises, community interest companies (CICs), voluntary and charitable organisations across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Significant Economic Impact of the VCSE Sector

According to a recent study, the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector makes a substantial economic contribution in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. The sector encompasses over 5,750 business and community groups, employs more than 6,000 full-time equivalents (FTEs), and engages over 52,000 volunteers. With a combined annual income exceeding £220 million, the financial impact of the VCSE sector in Cornwall is estimated at over £637 million.

Comprehensive Support for Sustainable Growth

Given their significant economic impact, tailored support for third sector businesses to start-up and grow is increasingly in demand. Outset VCSE is delivered by YTKO on behalf of the Growth Hub and is poised to meet this demand by providing essential support to new and early-stage enterprises, as well as to the thousands of existing third sector businesses, in areas such as sustainability, skills development, productivity improvements, financial management, marketing, governance and exploring funding opportunities.

Outset VCSE offers a blend of regular, specific topic-focused sessions delivered by sector and subject specialists, one-on-one support from dedicated enterprise development advisors, and peer-to-peer workshops and networking events.

Cllr Louis Gardner, Cornwall Council portfolio holder for economy, said: “Social enterprises, CICs, voluntary and charitable organisations are crucial in shaping and supporting public and private sector services and meeting a diverse range of needs in our communities. 

Cornwall Council recognises the need to ensure there is support available to a sector that is adding immense value to the Cornish economy.”

For more information on Outset VCSE and how to get involved, visit the Growth Hub website or call the team on 01209 708660.

Visit the Growth Hub website

The Growth Hub is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund as part of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Good Growth Programme. The aim is to realise the potential of businesses in the region and to make the economy more resilient, more equal and more prosperous.  


Posted 24 May, 2024

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