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Shared Prosperity Funding boost for Redruth’s spectacular celebration of Cornish heritage

Hellfire Kernow event. Credit Steve TannerPhoto credit - Steve Tanner 

A project to involve the community in celebrating and reviving distinctive Cornish traditions has received a boost from the Shared Prosperity Fund’s Cultural Events and Talent Programme.

The programme, aimed at developing and promoting Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly’s unique culture, heritage and creative industries, has awarded Golden Tree Productions, the team behind the hugely successful Man Engine project, £349,748 from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to develop this Redruth event.

The money will be used for Hellfire Kernow, a community-based project to deliver an innovative programme of events and workshops leading up to a spectacular celebration of the Life of St Euny, Redruth’s patron saint, on 1 May 2023.

The Golden Tree Productions team will be out and about on Redruth’s St Piran’s Day celebrations in March sharing more information about the event and how to get involved. They’ll be working closely with Redruth School, Redruth Rugby Football Club, community groups and local businesses to develop the event and deliver workshops in the run-up to the May Bank Holiday celebration.

After creating costumes and banners, choreographing theatrical interventions, practicing the sport of hurling and readying a Garm Vresel (‘battle cry’) residents of Redruth will join their crew. These crews are based on the medieval keverangow (‘hundreds’) of Cornwall and centred on the crossroads at the bottom of Redruth Fore Street, which is where a colossal clash of colourful kryws will lead to a spectacular procession through the town.

Louis Gardner, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for economy, said: “We’re using the Shared Prosperity Fund to build on Cornwall’s unique heritage and cultural assets. Investing in innovative cultural programmes such as this aims to bring together local communities and boost their long-term growth.” 

The Hellfire Kernow project has received £349,748 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to grow the event over four years, following the successful pilot in May 2022. The funding was allocated from the Good Growth’s Cultural Events and Talent Programme, which focusses on creating sustainable jobs through generating more year-round, permanent, higher paid employment, and reducing the seasonal nature of the tourism sector.

Golden Tree Productions Artistic Director Will Coleman: "An kevarghow ma a vynn ri dhyn ni an chons dhe dhrehevel war sewena a'n hwarvos Hellfire Kernow warleni, ha maga an ragdres rag, ha gans, an kemenieth a Resrudh. Ow miras orth an tan y’n kolonow warleni a-dhia bush a’n goslowysi hag nerth a-dhia eseli a’n kemenieth a junyas aga Kryws, a res dhyn ni sens gwir a’n pobel a Resrudh ow tos warbarth.”

"This investment from the Shared Prosperity Fund will give us the opportunity to build on the success of the previous Hellfire Kernow, and grow the project as an event for, and by, the community of Redruth. Seeing the enthusiasm last year from the crowd of spectators, and the energy from the members of community who joined their crews, gave us a real sense of the people of Redruth coming together.”

Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly has been allocated a total of £132m of Shared Prosperity Fund for local investment providing opportunities for communities and businesses and giving residents access to new jobs and training. 

Businesses, community organisations, public bodies and partnerships are encouraged to submit applications showing how they will create good growth and deliver lasting impact for Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. All current funding opportunities are available on the Good Growth website with more being announced later in the year.

Good Growth website


Story posted 2 February 2023

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