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LIVE: Full Council meeting, Tuesday, 28 November, 2023

Cornwall Council meets today to discuss issues including an update on the Capital Programme, a new appointment to the Audit Committee and recommendations from the Harbours Committee.

The meeting is taking place in the Council Chamber at County Hall in Truro (Lys Kernow), and will start at 10.30am.

Two motions have been put forward for debate at the meeting; one on ensuring there is a focus on ocean recovery throughout the council’s work, and a second calling for a review of the Tamar Crossings, which calls for the Tamar Tolls to be abolished.

A decision on whether the motions will be debated by the full council or referred to the Cabinet or a scrutiny committee will be made by the Chairman of the Council and announced at the meeting.

Members of the public are welcome to attend, or you can follow proceedings via the live blog below:

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Read the Agenda

10.15am: The meeting will start at 10.30am

10.30am: Today's meeting is now underway

10.40am: Prayers have now concluded, and we move onto apologies for absence

10.42am: We are now moving onto the Chairman's announcements, which begin with reflections on Remembrance

10.46am:  We now move onto the Leader's announcements.  Among the subjects covered are the latest release of funds from the Household Support Fund.  She tells the chamber: "I am delighted to be able to report that the second round of £80 Household Support Fund payments for our vulnerable adults and pensioners have either been paid, or has seen the vouchers issued.

"I have spoken with officers, and we continue to be on track to spend the full amount of the £9.4 million grant we were issued."

10.49am: The meeting is now approving the minutes of the last meeting

10.50am: We are now moving onto questions from the public. The first question concerns household waste and how it is dealt with at recycling centres across Cornwall.

10.53am: The second question concerns house building and the associated infrastructure required.

10.56am: We are now hearing a question on bus fares and how some people have been overcharged for travel.

10.58am: There are now five questions on the Tamar Bridge and its tolls.  

Read the Public Questions

11.07am:  We are now moving onto the Capital Programme update.  Cllr David Harris tells the chamber that there were no specific updates on Local Government funding in last week's Autumn Statement, but that he hopes there will be news soon.

11.16am: Cllr Harris reiterates he is hoping for good news financially from Westminster, telling the council he is hoping for a 'Christmas present from Mr Gove'.

11.23am: We now move onto updates from the Harbour Board.  Cllr Loic Rich introduces the item.

11.26am: We now move onto the next item, the appointment of a lay member to the Audit Committee.

11.28am:  We now move onto motions.  The first is the 'Motion on the Ocean', voicing support for ensuring the sustainability of the oceans, so vital for Cornwall in so many ways. The motion is being introduced by Cllr Julian German.

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11.32am: Cllr German urges the chamber to support the motion, which is being seconded by Cabinet member Cllr Martyn Alvey, the portfolio holder with responsibility for the climate emergency.

11.43am: The motion is receiving widespread support across the chamber.  However, some concern is being raised over whether the motion goes far enough with its ambitions.

11.53am:  Cllr German is now summing up, and welcomes the comments he has heard during the discussion.

11.55am:  Cllr German says: "My hope is we can bring everyone together under the convening power of Cllr Alvey so we can really make progress on these points we are committing to."

11.56am: The motion is carried.

11.56am: A motion calling for the abolition of the Tamar tolls has been referred to committee.  Cllr Colin Martin, who submitted the motion is speaking to summarise the issue.

11.59am: We now move onto the final part of the agenda; questions from councillors to Cabinet members.

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12.59am:  The meeting is now concluded