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Feedback from residents helps shape Camborne transport and public space projects



Proposals aiming to improve public spaces and the way people travel around Camborne town centre have been amended to reflect the views of local residents.

Following a public consultation earlier this year, the Camborne Renew project will continue to focus on improving the town centre environment.

Changes made as a result of feedback from the consultation include:

  • proposals for altering the flow of traffic along Trelowarren Street will now no longer take place;
  • there will be more seating and plant greenery in the town centre;
  • additional pedestrian crossings will be installed;
  • the parking bays at the top of Trelowarren Street will offer free parking for up to an hour, and;
  • there will be secure cycle parking in the town.

The project team, led by Cornwall Council on behalf of the Camborne Town Deal Board, will be working with community groups to finalise the designs through a series of workshops. The final designs will be presented at an exhibition early next year.

Meanwhile, feedback to the proposals for the Camborne LifeCycle project have been positive with plans to enhance the cycling and walking trail between Roskear Road and Boilerworks Road welcomed by the community. Work has now begun on developing these proposals into the final design.

The Camborne Renew and LifeCycle projects are part of the Camborne Town Deal programme, which secured £23.7 million from the Government’s Town Deal funding in 2021.

John Cosgrove, vice chair of Camborne Town Deal Board, said:

"These proposals – and the wider Town Deal vision – are about making Camborne a better place for residents, businesses and visitors. We all want our town to thrive.

“We have listened to the feedback from the consultation and removed many of the aspects people were concerned about, as well as include elements which will enhance the look and feel of the town.”

Louis Gardner, Cornwall Council cabinet portfolio holder for economy, said:

“Funding from the Town Deal represents an important opportunity to regenerate Camborne and provide a catalyst for making improvements that will benefit residents for years to come. We have always said that the local community has to be at the heart of the decisions made and the changes made to Camborne Renew project are a prime example of this intention.”

More than 500 residents, businesses and visitors took part in the consultation earlier this spring. The survey results showed that most people supported the idea of making the town centre more attractive and accessible, but had some concerns about traffic flow and parking availability.

View the results of the Camborne Renew survey

Worth £3.6bn, the Town Deal is part of the Government’s Levelling Up ambition to help regenerate towns across the country. The Camborne Town Deal programme consists of eleven capital projects that will deliver various benefits for Camborne, such as creating new jobs, supporting local businesses, enhancing cultural heritage, improving health and wellbeing, and increasing sustainability.

Find out more about Camborne Renew and other projects taking place through the Camborne Town Deal on their website.

Camborne Town Deal website

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