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Cornwall Council's Annual Council Meeting to take place in Truro next week

Cornwall Council will hold its Annual Full Council meeting in County Hall in Truro next week.

The meeting sees the election of the leader for the next year, as well as the appointment of Cabinet members. 

The leader will also give the annual ‘State of Cornwall in the National Context’ speech, setting out how the authority has performed in the past 12 months, and our standing within the country.

Also on the agenda is the allocation of seats and nominations to committees, which reflect the political make-up of the authority.

Annual reports from the Standards Committee and the Overview and Scrutiny will also be received and discussed, as well as recommendations from the Pensions Committee.

Two motions have also been submitted for debate, one calling for support for ‘breaking the cycle of poverty, ill health and worklessness’, and a second calling for ‘support for housing justice’.

The chairman will decide if the motions can be debated by the full council on the day of the meeting.

The meeting will also allow time for questions to the cabinet from both the public and other councillors.

The meeting will take place in the Council Chamber on Tuesday, 21 May, starting at 10.30am, and is open to members of the public.

If you cannot attend in person, you can watch proceedings live via our webcast service.

Posted 14 May, 2024