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Bereavement advice and support

The Cornwall Bereavement Network brings together bereavement services from across the county with the aim of making it easier for those who have experienced the death of a loved one to find support and information. You can find out more by visiting their website.

And nationally the Cruse Bereavement Support helpline is offering extended hours over the period of national mourning. Call them on 0808 808 1677 to talk to someone if the situation has brought up difficult feelings for you or find out more on the Cruse website.

Bereavement Guide

The death of someone close to us is one of the most severe loss we have to cope with. The bereavement guide offers advice and support to help you through this difficult time. From the first steps of registering the death and planning a funeral to financial matters and probate. There is also information to help in coping with your own emotions, and those of others also effected.

View the Bereavement GuideIf you would like a copy of the Bereavement Guide in a different format please contact us at:

Cornwall Registration Service
Dalvenie House

Telephone: 0300 1234 181

Other links you may find useful

  • Child Bereavement UK (CBUK) supporting families when a baby or child of any age dies or is dying, or when a child is facing bereavement.
  • Hope Again is Cruse Bereavement Cares website for young people. 
  • Cruse Bereavement Care to promote well-being, enable understanding grief and coping with loss.
  • Lastingpost helps people address the very difficult subject of death, and ‘Planning ahead’. Helping people to set down privately the instructions and wishes they want in place for use after their death.
  • Penhaligons Friends is a Cornish charity. It supports bereaved children, young people, parents and carers . They offer children and young people the chance to meet others and share their experiences. It also offers practical resources for children and parents.
  • also provides information on help with funeral costs and bereavement support payments.

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