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Aiming Higher for Disabled Children annual conference

When and where

The Aiming Higher for Disabled Children annual conference takes place during the first week of October each year. 

The conference takes place at the Royal Cornwall Showground, Wadebridge, Cornwall, PL27 7JE.

Purpose of the conference

This conference has been co-produced with Parent Carers Cornwall. It offers parents workshops and information on a range of topics of interest to disabled children and young people and their families.

The conference also provides an opportunity for parents, carers, and professionals to network with providers during the conference to learn more about the work they do.

Young people share their achievements as a beacon for others and there is a focus on future service planning.

Lunch is provided, and the conference is free.

Aiming Higher 2023 feedback

You can access a PDF document containing a summary of the Aiming Higher 2023 conference and feedback from the participants.

Booking a place

An online booking form will be available on this web page at the beginning of September 2024. Priority is always given to parents and carers.

Further information

If you have any queries or need further information please contact us: