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Wheal Peevor Mine Site and Multi Use Trail

Works to reclaim Wheal Peevor from a 5.1 hectare area of derelict mining scarred land started in late 2005. The site was officially opened in January 2008.

Work included making safe a total of 12 mineshafts and bringing together the 3 Grade II listed Engine HousesReclamation of the site has transformed the derelict land into an area now used for recreational and educational use.

There is a network of on site tracks and off site trails, giving the visitor access to the main features of interest within the Wheal Peevor Site. Also allowing Wheal Peevor to be linked with the Coast to Coast Trail, Wheal Rose and Redruth.

Bespoke granite and timber way markers mark the off site trail routes. With interpretation panels placed at features of interest to guide the visitor around the site

A few sections are steep but others can be used by people using wheelchairs and buggies. All can be used to discover something new and exciting at nearly every turn. With unique and amazing mining landscapes, spectacular views, peaceful countryside, exceptional wildlife and conserved, internationally important mine sites.

The Wheal Peevor trail activity sheets are designed to give you fun things to do as you journey along the trail. Keep your eyes open and score yourself one point for every task done.

Location and opening

The site is free to enter at all times.

Wheal Peevor is situated near the hamlet of Radnor. It is approximately one mile northeast of Redruth, opposite Radnor Golf Course.

The Grid reference for the site is SW 707 443 and the postcode is TR16 5EL. View a Wheal Peavor location map.

The nearest public transport is one mile away in Redruth town centre.

Historic context of Wheal Peevor

Wheal Peevor is not considered to be an 'ancient' mine by Cornish standards. It was being worked for copper at shallow depth by 1790 as part of its eastern neighbour Great North Downs Mine. 

By approximately 1887 the mine was no longer economically viable and was abandoned. But, attempts were made to re open it in 1912 and 1938 primarily for the extraction of Wolfram, which continued until the end of World War One.

Although Wheal Peevor was a relatively small mine it was extremely rich. Realising between 1872 to 1889; 3280 tons of black tin, 5 tons of 4% copper ore, 7 tons of pyrite and 12 tons of arsenopyrite. (All figures sourced from The Metalliferous Mining Region of South West England, Volume One, HMSO, Dines 1956).

The Scheduled Monument Designation is in consideration of archaeological significance; described as "amongst the best known mining remains in Cornwall. They are now nearly unique for the way they preserve what was formerly a common arrangement of engine houses on a mine"

Grant funding

Grant Funding towards the Project cost of £810,000 was received from:

  • Heritage Lottery Fund
  • The South West Regional Development Agency
  • English Heritage
  • Kerrier District Council

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