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SEN Information Report

What is a SEN Information Report?

A SEN Information Report is a statutory requirement. Schools and maintained nurseries need to produce one. It describes what they offer children/young people with SEND.

The SEND Code of Practice states:

All schools must publish information on their websites about the implementation of the governing body’s or the proprietor’s policy for pupils with SEN. The information published should be updated annually. Any changes to the information during the year should be updated as soon as possible. 

What must be included in your report?

  • Name and contact details of SENCO
  • The kinds of SEND that you provide for
  • How you assess and identify needs
  • How you check the effectiveness of provision made for children and young people with SEND
  • Arrangements for consulting and involving parent/carers
  • If possible, involving children/young people too
  • Arrangements for assessing and reviewing children and young people’s progress towards outcomes. This should include how you work with parents and young people
  • How you make adaptations to the curriculum. This includes adapting the learning environment for children/young people with SEND
  • Your approach to teaching and learning for children and young people with SEND
  • Your support for improving emotional mental and social development of pupils with SEND. This should include extra pastoral support arrangements. You must show listening to children and young people with SEND. Explain your measures to prevent bullying
  • How you empower and include children and young people with SEND
  • Arrangements for supporting children and young people with transitions. This might be from education settings or even to adulthood. As young people prepare for adulthood outcomes should reflect their ambitions. These could include higher education, employment, independent living and participation in society
  • Workforce development. This includes training and identified staff, e.g. an Autism Champion
  • The involvement of other agencies' eligibility and referral processes
  • The school’s policy for handling complaints from parents of children with SEND

Adding your report to the Local Offer

In Cornwall we ask schools to provide the Local Offer with a link to your school’s SEND Information Report. When you've done this, your school can use the Local Offer image to show you are part of the Local Offer.

To add your school SEND Information Report to the Local Offer, please email the link to it to You can detail anything extra you do to support children with SEND.

Other Useful Information

The government has information on what maintained schools must publish online. 

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