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Key Council documents

Cornwall Council has a number of strategies, policies and plans that form a part of our decision making process. The Council Strategy and Business Plan pages link closely with this.

Gyllyn Warbarth, Together We Can: The Cornwall Plan

The Cornwall Plan sets out a vision for Cornwall in 2050. The Council, our partners and the whole community are working together to realise our shared vision. 

The Cornwall Plan, 2020 - 2050

Cornwall Council works hard to lead in sustainable living. Our strategies and policies describe how we work towards this vision. These are also shaped by the six transitions in The Cornwall Plan and the Council’s Business Plan:

  1. A creative carbon zero economy
  2. Sustainable food, land and seas
  3. Thriving Places with Decent Homes
  4. Equality, Education and Entrepreneurship
  5. Safe, Healthy, Resilient Communities
  6. A Digital Revolution for Sustainable Living

Our strategies and policies

Theme 1: A Creative Carbon Zero Economy

In 2050, our ambition is to:

  • quadruple our production of renewable energy
  • create green jobs
  • help power the decarbonised national economy

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Strategic Economic Plan (Vision 2030)

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly face a fantastic opportunity to be at the forefront of a new economy. One that prospers in a unique creative, entrepreneurial and productive landscape.

Theme 2: Sustainable Food, Land and Seas

In 2050, we are growing nature on twice as much land in Cornwall and four times as much of our inshore waters. All of which are under active management for environmental gain.

Environmental Growth Strategy 2020-2065

Theme 3: Thriving Places with Decent Homes

In 2050, street homelessness in Cornwall is ended, and every child has a secure home to grow up in.

  • Cornwall Spatial Strategy 50-50 Vision - available soon.

Cornwall Council's strategy has at its core the aim to bridge the inequality gaps in society and make a positive difference to people's lives.

Theme 4: Equality, Education and Entrepreneurship

Our vision is that every child in Cornwall starts school ready, with an equal chance to achieve a bright future. People of all ages can reach their potential with great lifelong learning and business support. Cornwall is united in tackling all forms of discrimination

Theme 5: Safe, Healthy, Resilient Communities

Our vision is that by 2050 no one in Cornwall feels lonely. People will live well for longer, enjoying good health for at least five extra years of their lives. Cornwall is the safest place in the country. Compassionate communities are helping each other to live, learn and age well.

Theme 6: A Digital Revolution for Sustainable Living

By 2050, everyone in Cornwall is digitally included. Cornwall is one of the best-connected places in the world, making it the natural place to grow great business.

Supporting strategies

Theme 1: A Creative Carbon Zero Economy

Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Industrial Strategy 2030 (draft)

In 2030 the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly creative and carbon-neutral economy will be realising opportunities for its people, communities and businesses to thrive.  Benefiting the environment and providing an outstanding quality of life for all.

Apprenticeship Strategy 2017-2021

The Apprenticeship Strategy offers the opportunity for the Council to provide entry routes into the organisation. Particularly for young people. As well as enabling our existing workforce to undertake relevant apprenticeship qualifications aligned to current and future skills needs.

Cornwall's Creative Manifesto 2021-2025

Cornwall is now known as the UK's leading rural creative economy. The result of planning and hard work by organisations and individuals who have cooperated to help Cornwall's creative rural economy grow. The Creative Manifesto sets out a plan for the next 5 years.  It shows how the Culture and Creative Economy team at Cornwall Council will help build on this work for the future.

Covid-19 Economic Recovery Plan 2020-2021

This document sets out the priorities and next actions to help Cornwall recover from the economic impact of Covid-19. It builds on work already undertaken by Cornwall Council since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.

Theme 2: Sustainable Food, Land and Seas

Local Nature Recovery Strategy/Nature Recovery Plan - available soon

Climate Change Action Plan 2019

Our Climate Change Plan will create the conditions for change through direct action.  As well as a new form of place-based leadership for Cornwall to become net carbon neutral.

Resources and Waste Strategy 2018

Being better at managing household materials, waste and resources is beneficial to us all.  It is important that everyone in Cornwall makes an active contribution to reducing the amount of waste we create.  As well as reusing and recycling more.

Clean Air for Cornwall Strategy 2020 - 2025The aims of the Clean Air for Cornwall Strategy are to raise awareness of air quality problems in Cornwall. It also provides an integrated approach to improve Cornwall Council's emissions performance. Ensuring all Council activity takes into account its effect on air pollution.

Maritime Strategy 2019-2030

The Cornwall Maritime strategy represents an important opportunity to engage with all maritime interests. The Strategy guides the future direction of work, aiming to increase the recognition of the importance of the maritime sector.  It also responds to the various challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The Cornwall Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Our vision is to work with communities and other flood risk management organisations.  This is to manage the likelihood and impact of flooding and coastal change for the benefit of our:

  • communities
  • visitors
  • businesses and
  • environment

Theme 3: Thriving Places with Decent Homes

Local Transport Plan - Connecting Cornwall 2030

Connecting Cornwall sets out the vision that Transport in Cornwall will be excellent. Our transport system will connect people, communities, businesses and services.  This is in a way that is reliable, efficient, safe, inclusive and enjoyable. A refresh of the strategy is planned for early 2022.

Cornwall Local Plan 2010-2030

Cornwall Council's strategy has at its core the aim to bridge the inequality gaps in society and make a positive difference to people's lives.

Housing Strategy

Our vision for Cornwall is to provide homes where people can thrive. We are realistic about the challenges that we face in trying to achieve this. We won’t be able to solve all our housing problems overnight.

Theme 4: Equality, Education and Entrepreneurship

Equality and Diversity Framework 2017

This Framework is the Council’s statement and approach to equality and diversity.  It informs our everyday service delivery to our customers and the relationships we have with each other and with our partners.

Education Strategy for Cornwall 2018-2022

Cornwall’s children and young people are Cornwall’s future. They are entitled to the best possible life chances that we can give them at every stage. From early years to their transition into employment and adulthood. This will be achieved through access to world class educational opportunities. Underpinned by challenging aspirations to achieve beyond their expected potential educational outcomes.

LEP Employment and Skills Strategy 2016-2030

The LEP's vision for 2030 is for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to have a healthy, skilled and productive workforce.  Who have access to rewarding jobs, clear progression pathways and opportunities for all.

Theme 5: Safe, Healthy, Resilient Communities

One Vision Partnership Plan 2017-2020

Our vision is that all children in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are safe and healthy.  They also have equal chances of accessing all available opportunities to achieve brighter futures. The document is currently due to be refreshed.

Safer Cornwall Partnership Plan

Safer Cornwall is Cornwall’s statutory community safety partnership.  It aims to make Cornwall a place where people who live, work and visit here feel safe and are safe.

Health and Social Care Plan 2016-2021

Our vision is that the people of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible. We will support people to help themselves and each other so they stay independent and well in their community. We will provide services that everyone can be proud of and reduce the cost overall.

Localism in Cornwall: the Power of Community 2021

The Vision and Strategy outlines how Cornwall Council and all its partners will work together. Mutually supporting each other to improve peoples’ lives.

Theme 6: A Digital Revolution for Sustainable Living

Smart Kernow Delivery Plan - available soon

Digital Inclusion Strategy 2019-2023

Our vision is for Cornwall and Isles of Scilly residents and organisations to understand the benefits of digital.  As well as feeling safe and confident online.  They will be supported to develop their skills and thrive in an increasingly digital world.

Data and Space Strategy 2021 - available soon

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