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Statutory Special Educational Needs Panel

The Purpose of the Panel

The Statutory SEND Panel is a multi-agency which meets to consider decisions as part of the education health and care needs assessments and annual review processes.

The Panel makes decisions about:

  • Whether to carry out an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Needs Assessment 
  • Whether to issue an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan, following an EHC Needs Assessment
  • Whether requests for a change in the level or type of provision for a child or young person with an EHC Plan should be issued. This is following an EHC Plan Review
  • The appropriate educational placement and/or resources for a child or young person who has an EHC Plan
  • Whether it is appropriate to stop a child or young person's EHC Plan

The SEND Panel meets every week, throughout the year, including school holidays.

Decisions made by the Panel 

Recommendations and decisions are based on the evidence presented. 

Parents and schools are informed of the Panel's decision by their SEND Casework Officer. A formal letter will confirm this decision. If an EHC Needs Assessment is not going ahead, the letter will state the reasons why. 

Information Films 

This series of information films give an overview of the role of Cornwall's Statutory SEND Panel, also known as the SEND Panel. This includes who attends the SEND Panel, the decisions that the SEND Panel make and how you will find out about an SEND Panel decision.

This film provides information about the role of the Statutory SEND Panel, when SEND Panel meetings occur and who attends SEND Panel meetings.

This film provides information about the three types of decisions the SEND Panel make during meetings.

This film provides information about the first type of decision the Statutory SEND Panel makes, regarding requests for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments.

This film provides information about the second type of decision the Statutory SEND Panel makes: whether or not to issue an Education, Health and Care Plan, following an EHC Needs Assessment. 

This film provides information about the third type of decision the Statutory SEN: Panel makes: requests for a change in the level or type of provision for a child or young person who already has an EHC Plan. This is following an EHC Plan Review.  

This film provides information about how you will hear about decisions made by the Statutory SEN Panel. This includes information about Statutory SEND Casework Officers.  They are the main point of contact for the family and the educational setting. 

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