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Apprenticeship levy funds

Levy transfer applications are now open for 2024/2025

Transferring apprenticeship levy funds to other employers

Cornwall Council is a large levy paying employer with an ambitious Apprentice Strategy. As such, we can now transfer up to 50% of our apprenticeship levy funds to other employers.

This can help to boost the number of high-quality apprenticeships across the county. This can include new apprentices or existing employees undertaking an apprenticeship. We are not able to transfer funds for apprenticeships that have already started.

More detailed guidance is available on the following page: Transferring unused apprenticeship funds to other employers

Priorities for transfers

We have a high level of demand for support and our transfer funds are limited. We will prioritise applications that meet the priorities and target sectors detailed below:

Priority 1: Addressing skill shortages in Cornwall. Priority sectors include Health and Social Care, Construction/Engineering and Digital/Data.

Priority 2: Supporting the size of shared services on behalf of the Council, e.g., Town Councils delivering Library Services.

Priority 3: Creating apprenticeship opportunities for young people and disadvantaged groups.

How does it work?

  • Cornwall Council will carry out an ‘expression of interest’ bid process
  • Employers must show how their apprenticeship/s will add to the Council’s strategic aims
  • Application approvals are ‘given in principal’ until the new apprentice has started. And before the appointment of a learning provider
  • The opportunity to apply for transfer funds will remain open throughout the year
  • Businesses will receive a decision on their application within two weeks
  • Receiving employers should notify the Council of the outcome of apprenticeship outcome/s

Apply for apprenticeship levy funds online

Any questions?  Contact us at

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